
Sunday, 13 March 2011

Let’s Study In Canada !!

                                                    (Made for joining CESI Blog Competition)

Are you XII grader ? in progress looking for University ?

Wanna study abroad ? Let me explain a little about study abroad....

Why should we study abroad ?

  • Competition becomes more intense in finding jobs across the country, especially in a professional level so that english and technology become more important.
  • International relationship will create opportunities fatherly build an international network.
  • Socio-cultural conditions abroad more organized and disciplined so that we can learn the way that we become more advanced individually.
  • Opportunity to work independently and exercise internationally experience.
  • The facilities are complete and supported by advanced technology  and dedicated professors who work full time.
  • Lot of new course and study program that are not yet available in Indonesia.
  • Improve our talent and opportunity to organize.
  • We can filling free time by working part time to feel the work experience.

Canada can be the first option that you can choose..instead that US or European. Canada has more comfortable and reliable place to study and live..

Why should be in Canada ?

  • According to the United Nations and the Economic Intelligence Unit (EconomistIntelligence Unit), Canada declared as one of the top 10 places in the world to live since1994. According to the UN survey Canada earned particularly high marks for its access to education, high life expectancy (due to universal health care system) and the levels ofcrime and violence rates. 
  • Canada's largest cities such as Vancouver,Toronto and Montreal have been recognized as world class cities to live and work,cleanliness and security and for cultural activities and attractive lifestyles.
  • Canadians have a standard of living including the highest in the world.
  • Each province and region (territory) also have designated areas as provincialparks, wilderness areas, ecological and nature reserves. There are over 2000 destinations throughout Canada .Students who come to Canada will witness one of the most beautiful natural environments in the world. 
  • Canada is also a country of diverse geography, and there are many outdoor activities that can be enjoyed, from the lush coastline of British Columbia, the majestic Rocky Mountains in Alberta, the sky was magnificent in the prairie, to the'maple sugar country' in the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence and the rugged hills and picturesque coastline in the Atlantic provinces.
  • Canada experienced rapid growth in high technology industries and has an international reputation in various sectors such as telecommunications, transportation and engineering.

 : Spring, summer, autumn, winter. Summer temperatures can reach 35 ◦ C andthe winter can reach -25 ◦ C.
Difference Time 
 :- 10 Hours from GMT to -14 hours (depending on the location of theregion and the influence of "saving daylight")
Living expenses    
 : Necessary costs approximately CAD $ 1,000 - CAD $ 1500/month (including accommodation, transportation, food expenses, and other costs.) CAD $ 54-70/month Insurance.
School Fees        
 :           • English Course: CAD $ 1,000 / month
             • High School: CAD $ 8,000-CAD $ 12,000 / year
             • Pre-University: CAD $ 8,000-CAD $ 10,000 / year
             • University Transfer Program: College: CAD $ 8,000-CAD $ 10,000 / year
             • Bachelor Degree (S1): CAD $ 10,000-CAD $ 20,000 / year
             • Post-graduate (S2): CAD $ 10,000-CAD $ 20,000 / year
:            • Homestay: CAD $ 700-800 (including meals 3x) / month
             • Hotel: CAD $ 55-135/ day
             • Lodging: CAD $ 250-700/ month
             • Apartments: CAD $ 400-1.500 / month
             • Hostel: CAD $ 20-40/day
             • Homestay: CAD $ 400-800/month
             • Boarding: CAD $ 5.000 - 7500 / years courses
 : Bicycles, taxis, buses. Bus fare  CAD$ 2/once.
Internet and Phone    
 : Use local telephone CAD $ 10-20/bulan and Internet costs $ 19.99 to 43.00 CAD / month.

Environment Canada
Canada is one country which has a range of cultural tourism is the most complete. Almost all the world's ethnic groups are represented there. Canadians place a high value on their natural environment. Currently there are 39 national parks and national park reserves in Canada are located in every province and territory. Friends will witness one of the most beautiful natural environments in the world. Vancouver is ranked the 3rd world the most livable city fatherly.

Canada is famous for its community and region a safe, fair and peaceful. The level of crime in Canada down steadily since 1990. In 1997, the police report about the crime rate in Canada declined five percent during the sixth consecutive year. Violent crime was down for the fifth year in a row in 1997. As for firearms is strictly controlled and generally are not allowed in Canada. With this state of the environment that is safe and comfortable, you can enjoy the atmosphere of a good education there.

Food and Shopping
Canada is a culturally diverse country. Your friends will find a wide variety of foods from around the world in restaurants and shopping place in Victoria. Kosher food is also available. All central cities in Canada have a variety of malls and restaurants, other than that there also are China Towns.

Health Insurance
All students must have health insurance while studying in Canada. If you can't show the purchase of insurance, you will be asked to buy private insurance at $ 120 for first 3 months. After that we must register with the health insurance Province of British Columbia (BC Provincial Medical Services Plan) for $ 54/month, because this policy fatherly protecting students.

Country Canada is the 2nd largest country in the world with a variety of tourist destinations. Wherever you choose place to study in Canada, you would have come across a wide range of cultural, recreational, and various activities throughout the year. You can enjoy museums, seasonal festivals, and exciting nightlife are offered by each province and territory. Canada also has a beautiful rural elegant. Activities outside the home are also very popular there, such as skiing, cycling, ice skating, ice hockey, rafting, camping, sightseeing or even sailing on the ice. So by sharing the kinds of entertainment there, guaranteed you will not be bored to learn there.

Working in Canada
If you as a full-time student who registered in a degree or diploma program, then you are allowed to work on campus where you registered. Without requiring a permit 20 hours / week. The program allows students to work off campus in some foreign institusion.

Come Study in Canada!

If you are interested to study in Canada, find further information at CESI (Canadian Educational Services International) that provides us a bridge to facilitate the process of our study in Canada. Starting from our placement later in the University until the course before go to Canada. There is also a Summer Camp that certainly very exciting. So now, what are you waiting ? come on, lets study in Canada !!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wah keren gan...kira2 apa syarat buat kuliah di kanada ?